For the Female Soulpreneur who is, or who has recently been, in the early season of motherhood…


We were never meant to be ‘back’ from maternity leave… But forwards my darling, absolutely.

Were you told that babies is where your career ends? That one will suffer as a result of the other? Do you believe your value is dictated by the time you have available? That you now need to prove yourself more than ever to show your success and your worth?

I know you do not, deep down, believe the above. That you are here because you are doing it differently - in a way where the only rules that apply are yours. You lead with authenticity, with a trust and knowing and where there is no room for lack but everything on the other side. You know that your business is not going anywhere, and in fact - it’s just getting started!

This is the time of the new Pregnant Soulpreneur, where she is rewriting and redefining the way… And as she births in this new paradigm, she challenges the stories and beliefs that she was once told to be true…

And which she now no longer accepts.


Are you ready to be in full alignment with your baby & business, side by side?