• You acknowledge that by entering into an agreement to undertake Coaching, that any such Coaching is provided ‘as is’ and is in no way guaranteed to result in any particular outcome.

  • If you have been previously diagnosed with any psychiatric conditions including but not limited to, psychosis, schizophrenia or personality disorder, you must declare this in writing and verbally before commencing any treatment or Coaching.

  • You agree to inform Jennie Cross (in writing and verbally) immediately if your medical condition changes during your Coaching.

  • Any Coaching entered into with Jennie Cross, is not provided by a qualified medical professional, and Jennie Cross is not able to offer medical advice. Any and all medical questions should be taken to your medical provider and we encourage all customers to consult with a medical professional before undertaking any Coaching.

  • If you are pregnant, you must be over 12 weeks pregnant in order to undertake Hypnobirthing coaching.

  • Jennie Cross holds business insurance in accordance with standard insurance requirements in the UK.

  • Jennie Cross holds qualifications in neuro-linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, life coaching, hypnobirthing, sleep training level 3 and pregnancy yoga. If you would like more information on these qualification, please consult Jennie Cross directly in writing or verbally.

  • Jennie Cross will take notes during coaching sessions and these will be be saved in a password-protected file on a password protected device and any written notes shredded once typed up. The session notes will include the client’s full name, date of session, and notes on the lifestyle/medical history where applicable to the treatment being given. All information is stored in accordance with UK data privacy law and all data will be retained for 5 years, following which it will be deleted unless required to be kept in accordance with audit regulations.

  1. Definitions

    a) “Course” or “Coaching” shall mean any individual or series of coaching or training sessions entered into with Jennie Cross for any reason, including but not limited to Hypobirthing, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Life coaching, Sleep Training Level 3 and Pregnancy yoga.

    b) “The Pregnant Soulpreneur” means Pregnant SP Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales and which provides the Coaching in accordance with these terms and conditions.

  2. c) Jennie Cross is the Director of Pregnant SP Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales and which provides the Coaching in accordance with these terms and conditions.

  3. Payment

    a) The Course/Session investment is non-refundable except under exceptional or the following circumstance:

    - Hypnobirthing - if your baby arrives early you will be refunded the relevant percentage of the Hypnobirthing aspect of the course (5 sessions).

    - Digital Product - we have a no refund policy. Where there is an error with the download, Pregnant SP Ltd must replace.

    b) Payment is required upfront for a full Course, as advertised, and not for individual sessions.

    c) Flexible payment terms can be offered in some circumstance, but must be agreed in advance.

  4. Booking Sessions

    Unless agreed prior to booking, the same day and time cannot be guaranteed for each session.

  5. Cancellations

    a) In the event you wish to reschedule, at least 48 hours notice must be provided in advance, otherwise you will be charged in full for a rescheduled session. In the event of exceptional circumstances, Pregnant SP Ltd will use their discretion to waive this fee.

    b) In the unlikely event of cancellation of a session by Pregnant SP Ltd, attempts will be made to reschedule. If this is not possible, or alternative dates cannot be agreed, a refund of the remaining fee (pro-rated evenly against the remaining sessions) will be given.

  6. General

    1. Participants taking part in any service offered by Pregnant SP Ltd do so with the understanding that the content of the course is in no way intended to be represented as medical advice. Participants should seek the advice of a health-care provider to answer any health-related or pregnancy-related issues surrounding their pregnancy, their labour, or their birth. Participants must be over 12 weeks of pregnancy to partake in any Hypnobirthing Coaching provided by Pregnant SP Ltd.

    2. If your medical condition changes during your Course, you must notify Pregnant SP Ltd before attending further sessions. Pregnant SP Ltd advises that you seek medical advice by a registered medical provider on continuing with coaching provided by Pregnant SP Ltd.

    3. Pregnant SP Ltd shall not be liable for any consequential or indirect losses or damages. The total liability of Pregnant SP Ltd for any directly incurred losses or damages shall be limited to the total of the fee paid by you for the Course.

  7. Jurisdiction & Governing Law

    1. These terms and conditions and disclosure form is governed by and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales, and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any claims which arises under or in connection with these terms and conditions.