Meet JC

To be coached by a manifestor is to be effortlessly initiated into action…

Hi, I’m Jen Cross, a 2|4 Splenic Manifestor who specialises in coaching Pre & Postpartum Soulpreneurs (psst - we are postpartum for life!)

A Birth Coach of 5 years, a selected TEDXEd 2020 Speaker, a Guest Speaker to the Student Midwives at the University of East Anglia & a Guest Speaker on the Balanced Bumps Yoga Teacher Training.

Qualifications & Trainings to date: Neuro-Linguistic Programming | Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching | Hypnobirthing | Pregnancy Yoga | Sleep Training Level 3

The Pregnant Soulpreneur was born from a creative urge that came to me in the clearest of whispers (oh hello Splenic Authority!). A passion for birth, for business, for women… for celebrating women! The Feminine, the Power, the Love, the Flow… And then the Logic. The Masterminding, the Knowlege, the Trust that builds from a Strong Foundation… When I started as a Birth Coach I always felt that it was more than just teaching hypnobirthing - it was an energetic sharing of wisdom that my clients took and interpreted as their own… And this is still my style today. This isn’t about what it looks like to be The Successful Pre & Postpartum Soulpreneur/Entrepreneur/CEO… THIS is about You, Your Story and what Success means for You.

My first business, a Bridal Boutique, was birthed shortly before my first son’s arrival and it was founded on logic, on knowledge and unhindering rapport which proved to be my absolute superpower. Featured in magazines, a celebrity client and a growing clientele - a business I was immensely proud of. And the strategy was like clockwork which ran perfectly… until it didn’t. I was burnout. Burnout as a business owner and as a mother. I was business led, not baby led… I worried hugely about it being a success and me not being a failure. And so, I went back to the drawing board and my life took a life-changing turn. I found Neuro-Linguistic Programming and I found Hypnotherapy. And I then understood why I had been called to Hypnobirthing with my first son… this was always my path! I did not burnout with my second business alongside the birth of my second son. Instead it was, and is still, a journey of incredible expansion and exploration, of play and embodiment… Of getting it right, of wanting to make changes, of continuously learning… And walking with the fear.

My introduction to Human Design and Energetics on my second Maternity Leave saw my biggest shift to date. I now share my gifts with you from a place of excitement for the collective, where lack and competition do not dominate but purely act as an indicator to our alignment. My mission is for women to know that they can 100% be able to parent in the way that they absolutely want to, whilst knowing that this will not have any negative long-term affects on their career… I have packaged my offerings in a way that not only deeply serves my clients but also deeply honours my own design, values and beliefs and this has been my absolute freedom.

So - are you ready to connect? Let’s have a chat from my Californian home to yours to see how I can support you!

Which Coaching Container is Calling you?!?

Signature | The Downloads | Human Design Reading